What is Energy Psychology
Energy Psychology (EP) is a clinical technique and a self-empowerment approach that provides methods for shifting brain patterns that lead to unwanted thoughts, actions, and emotions. EP reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, resolves trauma, and strengthens coping skills. It draws from ancient spiritual practices and healing traditions and uses them in thoroughly modern ways. It is a collection of mind-body approaches for understanding and improving human functioning. EP focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviors, and known bioenergy systems (such as meridians and the biofield).

Modalities include:
EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique
TAT-Tapas Acupressure Technique
Matrix Re-imprinting
AIT-Advance Integrative Therapy
and others.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

What is EFT
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is the use of acupressure tapping on meridian points to release energetic and emotional blockages held within the body. These blockages are created when people experience trauma, stress or have other negative experiences and strong emotions that are internalized and held in the body. When these blockages are released, the triggering emotions or cognitions are released and move through the body, thus releasing the mind and soul from being stuck. This method relies on Traditional Chinese Medicine’s meridians and the associated emotions that are known to resonate with each meridian.